Just Because You Can

…doesn’t mean the universe is telling you something.  It doesn’t mean you’re receiving a sign pointing you towards a profession or even as a way to make money.  Just because you’re good at something doesn’t mean you have to do it for yourself or anyone else.  Just because you have a skill doesn’t make you…

Waiting for Lightning

There will be times when you have to look directly at what you have avoided for so long. The reality that the thing you most fear is the only way out. That the only path is to dare the lightning. We can feel it every time we approach. It’s the event that will cause everything…

Doing The Same Things Again

“No matter what I do, this always happens to me.  I just don’t get it!”  When someone says this to me I know it’s the cue to look at the pattern.  Yes, I commiserate because I’m human and I have/do/am experiencing the same type of stuckness and frustration.  I have lived through the “try everything”…

My Turn

Taking turns is something we learn at a very early age. If there is only one of something or only room for one person to be doing a thing at a time, then we have to take turns. That means we have to both wait for it to be our turn and relinquish things when…

Questioning Your Body

We rarely ask our body anything.  Well, we ask if it’s hungry periodically if we’re not sure.  We sometimes ask it what it wants to eat. We ask it to do things…well really we require it to do things and sometimes it balks or simply can’t.  But for the most part we ignore it unless…

Body Talk

People joke about having too many voices in their head. The critical voice that sounds like an authority figure trying to control us. The devil on our shoulder trying to get us to go enjoy something or try something or express something. The angel on the other shoulder trying to reason with us. Our inner…

Clean It Up

Creating things is messy.  Transforming one thing into something else means that there are bits left over here and bits over there.  At the end what we are left with is the completed goal of the creation and the remains. Which means that before we can start on something new we need to clean things…

Getting Your Fears Met

There’s lots of talk about “getting your needs met.” Heads nod as a list of needs gets reeled off including happiness, peace of mind, abundance, the ability to do what you are here to do and so on. Besides the fact that these aren’t needs nor wants but vague terms that are more feelings than…