Weave Advice Into a Path

We’re living in an information age. There is a symphony of data on almost everything an anything, with thousands of people bringing new things that haven’t even been thought of before into being each day. Among all that are authorities who want to help people live up to their potential, be successful, be happy, have…

Challenging Traditions

Holiday traditions are wonderful things. They connect us to our family and culture. They allow us a kind of time warp where we are connecting the previous generations with ourselves and those to come. Traditions help us weave ourselves into a bigger tapestry, help bring memories to life, and reaffirm our role in our community.…

Toxic Parents

Not everyone’s parents are a blessing to be cherished. Not everyone sees the word “parent” as an active verb or sees their role as being a caretaker. It is not uncommon for parents to see their children as a burden or as a means to an end.  They may try to form them into adjuncts…

We Choose to Connect

For some the holidays are full of uncomfortable connections. Being a time for gathering family and friends together, relationship issues which live in the background the rest of the year come front and center. The things we’d rather avoid (or people) loom ahead and it can feel inevitable. People feel trapped between the hard place…

Spiritual Paths are Like Rings of a Tree

I had a student ask me a question about religion and belief concerning the Akashics.  They had been called to minister in a religion and had done so for decades. Then, through experiences, events and thought, had found they no longer believed what they had been teaching. They felt confused and betrayed. They didn’t know…

Shards of Glass

This year seems to be a year of shattering.  All around me I listen to people as they tell me the stories contained in the glittering glass fragments strewn all around them.  They are beautiful as they reflect the light, the stories they contain are lovely and heart breaking and devastating.  I hear stories that…


by Elizabeth Gilbert Surrender is what happens when you come to the end of your power. Surrender is what happens when you have searched to the bottom of your soul and found out this truth — which is that you really can’t do this thing anymore. Surrender is what happens when you don’t have any…

Gaslighting the Holidays

Many people struggle with the holidays for a variety of reasons.  One is that they go into a visit with their family certain of who they are, what their place is in the world, and how the world works only to come home feeling as if they have just come back from a trip to…