What’s Best to Do

I’m commonly asked what a client’s life plan is or what they should do next.  They want to know what the next step is, what their spiritual goals are, to see everything laid out ahead of them.  And that would be comforting, in a way, because it takes the weight of responsibility off of us…

Contracts are Fluid

In physical life contracts are structured, formal ties between people or entities.  They are that way because we humans are full of free will, limited in our ability to see far into the cause and effect future that will come from our decisions now, and fluid in our decision making process so our minds change…


We a taught in school and even preschool that creating is a definable thing we do.  It’s a moment in time where we create a something like a picture or a clay animal or an ashtray or a popsicle person.  And then we go on to do something else.  We are taught that creativity has…

Getting From Here To There

We so very much want cause and effect to be linear and immediate and simple.  Flora Bowley gets comments all the time how amazing it is that she’s become an instant success.  Luckily she’s a good sport and laughs at the misunderstanding.  She’s been working as an artist for over 18 years and it has…

Body & Spirit

When talking about living a spiritual life and walking a medicine path, I’m reminded that it’s not necessarily a gradual thing.  Some people can transition their lives gently over time and look back wondering how they got from point A to point Z, but others get confronted with aspects of it as if someone had…

Akashic Focus

I see a dichotomy in how people who work with the Akashics perceive that experience.  Some see it as a means to get answers to questions they have about themselves in this life.  Which, ironically, includes learning about their past lives.  There are some people who are interested in their past lives just to find…

Absolute Thinking Isn’t

For some reason, all evidence to the contrary, we seem to think that the way our minds make meaning out of the world at any particular moment is truth and that our mind is somehow unaffected by inputs, external or internal.  Like we’re objectively observing a movie instead of living in it.  And that somehow…

I want answers/I’m not listening

Some people go to readers (tarot/astrology/mediums/Akashic/numerologists….) with an open mind just wondering what they will hear.  Or they go seeking to know what is most important to know at that particular moment rather than selecting a subject to focus on.  Then there are others that have a question, but are interested to hear what might…

Souls at Home

I’ve talked about soul groups before and you can see a general description of them here:  Soul Groups. Soul groups are a part of each reading I do for my clients because I invite any soul group members that are home at the time of the reading to come and listen in. Clients are sometimes…

Valuing Yourself

Self value is like a coin.  It has two sides.  Some people favor the side that shows our value is something we create within ourselves.  Some favor the side that takes input from others in order to validate who we think we are.  And the reality is that we need both sides of that coin…