Embodied Lives as Punishment

Living in a body is hard work.  I point this out to my clients and students often because we tend to dismiss it out of hand.  But it is the truth that as spiritual beings living an embodied experience, the body takes a great deal of effort to manage and maintain.  It brings us huge…

Do you really want to know?

People seek answers to their questions in the Akashics, which is a good thing. The Akashics has a great deal of wisdom to share.  Many times people have questions not because they don’t know the answer, but because they need verification, validation, support and acknowledgement to act on what they know.  And don’t we all…

Soul Book Roadmap

Every soul book has a section at the end that I call the roadmap.  It’s all the possibilities, the if/then’s of a life mapped out as actions (lines) and choices or options (boxes).  I explain it as looking like an amazingly complex March Madness game schedule because it shows everything from birth to projected end…

Speaking Out or Being Grateful

No one likes to be negatively criticized.  There are those who welcome input, negative or positive, for a variety of reasons and are able to make positive results from it.  However, no matter what your coping skills or the amount of positive spin you put on things, no one likes to be criticized.  And for…

Akasha Think and Ervin Laszlo

I enjoy reading Ervin Laszlo, at least the books he’s written for the general public.  As a theoretical physicist working on the ToE (Theory of Everything) and a systems philosopher the details he works with go waaaayyy over my head.  However, what he’s working on, or to be more accurate, the results of his studies…

Spend It All

This was written by a writer about writing, but I think it applies to all endeavors and life in general.   It’s something I try to live by everyday. “One of the few things I know about writing is this: spend it all, shoot it, play it, lose it, all, right away, every time.  Do…

Holistic Healing through the Akashics

Beyond their surprise at the ease with which my students are able to access the Akashics in a meaningful and direct way, they are almost always surprised by the way they experience it because it’s never what they expect.  Most people on first working their consciously, myself included, tend to expect that it’s somewhat like…