
There is something that happens when we give ourselves permission to be ourselves. When we allow ourselves not just time outs to catch our breath before plunging back into the cacophony of all the business and the messages, the expectations and needs, the grinding of the wheels and everyone around us murmuring and gasping and…



So much of what we struggle with is a matter of perception. We expend energy to fix something we perceive is broken and yet nothing ever changes. We see this as something which is a permanent flaw or an inherent error and so spend even more energy working around it with marginal success. Eventually someone,…


Stop Pushing

We’ve all done it.  More than once, I’m betting.  Whether in big matters or small we have ignored every message, every indicator, every response, every reaction even within ourselves and pursued that one thing we’re stuck on to the point of exhaustion, just to take a deep breath and keep on going.  “Stuck on stupid”…


Oh Yeah, I used to…

People focus on doing things differently and plunging into new habits or regimens with the New Year. However, there’s something lush and delightful in taking a step back. In all the rushing that we do throughout the year lots of things we would like to do or used to do get set aside for “later.”…


Back Up For a Minute

The short hand understanding of Mercury Retrograde is that it causes mechanical failures and communication misfires.  Emails get lost, text messages come in the wrong order, we say what we mean and the person hearing us hears something completely different, we’re meant to speak when we don’t, we’re meant to listen so we start talking,…


Going Within

I have always been frustrated by the hero’s journey as described by Joseph Campbell and by Greek mythology which seemed so out of touch with or misogynist about women and goddesses.  I never understood or had any connection with the Persephone myth.  It’s this really weird rape fantasy piece where she is the perfect and…


Go With The Grain

There is a difference between following along and choosing to go with. Following along allows someone or something else to be responsible for choosing where and how things go. Following can be relaxing or passive or just the easiest choice or even the lack of choice in any given situation.  Sometimes it’s the best option…


Let It Breathe

One of the things I love about wines is that they change. Each glass is like a flower opening.  It has one smell and taste when it’s poured, another as it warms, another as it mixes with the oxygen in the room and each tick of the clock changes it.  With certain reds you want…


Winter’s Fire

In the winter months, when things are dark and cold, we think of fire as life. It is the warmth that we snuggle into, the symbol of hearth and home, the physical manifestation of the connected and safe feeling we get from community in harmony, the mellow light by which we see the internal world.…
