Guilty or Guilt Free?

No matter how perfect, our families cause us strife at some time in our lives.  From the preteens onward we love them and sometimes want to strangle them, need them and yet want to get as far away from them as possible.  From there we start making choices for ourselves as to who we are…


I Don’t Feel Fulfilled

“I don’t know what I want.”  We’ve all felt that way at some point in our lives, probably more than once.  We’re hungry but we don’t know what for.  We’re bored, but every suggestion we and anyone else comes up with just isn’t right.  We want to be doing something that means something, but we…


Yes, No and Maybe So

It doesn’t matter how glorious and fulfilling and happy your life is, it’s still a balancing act.  Even though it’s all things you want and things you love and things that you are committed to doing, there is still only one of you and only so much time in the day.  So if life’s a…


Questions and Answers

It is hardest for us to see the answer right in front of our face.  Not because we’re blind, although that can be the case at times.  Sometimes our assumption, our desires, and our fears can blind us to everything around us.  But most of the time we’re just fixated on finding the answer “out…


Scorpio Full Moon

“As we approach Wednesday’s Scorpio Full Moon and distance ourselves from the recent Sun/Saturn opposition we can best use this time to consider where in life we are skimming the surface in order to avoid the apparent darkness of depths we would prefer were not there. “This is not an exercise in misery or some…


Junk In The Trunk

There are a great many things in life that we either do not or cannot deal with in the moment:  feelings, situations, choices, trauma…  This doesn’t mean that they don’t happen or that we can avoid them, but we aren’t or aren’t able to be present to deal with them in the moment as they…


Pushing When The Door Says Pull

We’ve all done it.  More than once, I’m betting.  Whether in big matters or small we have ignored every message, every indicator, every response, every reaction even within ourselves and pursued that one thing we’re stuck on to the point of exhaustion, just to take a deep breath and keep on going.  “Stuck on stupid”…


Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day to all those who are mothers and are loving their children, and grandchildren, step-children, step-grandchildren….You deserve this day for all the wonderful things you do and for all the doubts you suffer and you do the best you can.  There being no manual to follow you’re building the plane as you’re flying…
