I don’t wanna

You know that saying “You always find the thing you’re looking for in the last place you look”?  Well it’s true…snarky, but true.  In that same vein, many of us struggle on and on in our lives, looking here-there-everywhere for an answer to why things are the way they are and what they can do…


Am I Too Late?

Each moment of our lives is unique.   Which makes them all the same, doesn’t it.  LOL……ahem…sorry…   The circumstances of each moment of our lives is made up of decisions and choices, experiences and circumstances. In the case of fossil fuels they would be measured in eons.  Once on circumstance passes it won’t ever be back…


What A Coincidence

Ever notice that, while a story being told has the entire universe to play out, the hero or heroine seems to come across that one thing that they need to save the day, that one thing that we saw earlier in the story.  That is just happens to be in the part of the universe…


Put the Plans Away

We have been taught that the best way to get things done constructively is to think things through, have a plan, be logical, be prepared, and be ready for anything like you would prepare for battle.  Well and good.  But that methodology isn’t one size fits all any more than a hammer is good for…


Ride The Wave

Part of what is becoming evident from people’s experiences so far is that this year of the horse is a thrill ride.  So here’s some of the wisdom that Horse is supplying:  Horse can move blazingly fast over shortish distances and flat ground, but our lives are rarely flat vistas with everything visible and laid…


Who Said That?

Every notice that some people are like those dolls with the recordings in them?  You know, the one with the button in the back that you push and they say things?  Sometimes funny things, sometimes cute things, sometimes sarcastic things…  My favorite has always been the Silent Bob action figure.  It was (is?) about 12″…


Knowing What You Know

How do you know when you’ve found yourself?  That’s the snide question that people ask those who are “trying to find themselves.”  It’s a valid question, snide as it is.  How do you know?  Let’s put it another way.  How much seeking do you need to do until you decide to act on what you’ve…


Motivational Stories

When we think of motivational stories or speakers we think of the things that inspire us.  The memes and quotes and anecdotes which get us fired up or at least make us feel better about our day.  And for most people these are like sparkling stars in the night sky.  They are the exceptions to…


Missed Connections

If we’re doing it right our lives are a tapestry of interconnections.  “Everything’s connected” and alla that.  Being connected means that our actions affect not only us but others in big and small and every size in between ways and not everyone is going to like the effects of our actions. The easiest way to…
