Bad Thing or Good Thing?

In spiritual circles being ill is looked at as a bad thing.  It means something is wrong, we’re off balance, there is dis-ease and we need to be checking what the heck is going on.  Which is all true.  Even in the spiritual community we have to work against hundreds of years of enculturation and…


My Heart’s Desire

Hearts are very private things. What we feel in them is unseen and unheard by the outside world.  For others to perceive them we have to wear them on our sleeve or offer them to someone else and even then we’re only creating a window for them to be viewed.  They are a castle that…


I Can’t Have It

People come to me dragging, depressed, and dispirited but with that little spark of hope left that lets them ask, “What am I supposed to be doing?”  When I ask them what they want to be doing they usually tell me “I don’t know what I want.”   And in the moment they really mean it. …


Thanks, Bob. I got it.

We’re taught to think things through.  To be logical.  To consider all the options and choose what’s best to do from those options.  It’s practical and will keep us on the straight and narrow right?  Well, not always.  Too often people allow the logical side of their nature lead in things, which it really isn’t…


Be What You Want

Clients talk to me on a regular basis about wanting a relationship or wondering when the relationship they want is going to happen.  You know, “Where is my soul mate and when are they going to get here?” 85% of the time the answer is that it will happen when it happens but mostly when…


If You Have To Say It…

You know that old adage that if you have to tell someone you are something they you’re probably not?  You know, like the politicians that tell us their honest or the person who says they are open minded while being judgmental in their next breath?  That kinda thing.  Well spiritual circles aren’t immune.  From time…


Silence Is An Answer

I have clients who tell me they have been asking and asking for an answer to this question and they get absolutely nothing.  Maybe this is the first time it’s happened and they feel lost and without a rudder or maybe it has happened before but never for this long. What they want to know…


All The Feels

Emotions are like teenagers.  They don’t necessarily need intense conversation where their innermost source is brought to light and dissected, in fact that’s more attention than they can handle. In most cases what they need is to be acknowledged and heard, validated and left to their own devices.  When they get what they need they…


No Is A Valid Answer

We all get frustrated sometimes because we seem to be doing it all right.  We’re holding our intention, we taking right action, we’re being open to the universe, we’re doing what we’ve been asked to do, and still the thing we most want isn’t manifesting.  So then we try a new way of setting intention,…


Turn Down the Volume

People ask me what they can do to hear their guides more clearly.  They want to communicate more directly, to hear the guidance they know they’re getting, to be able to access wisdom more fully.  Fair enough.  Sometimes this means teaching them communication techniques for making the communication more conscious like showing them how to…
