One Last Thing

It’s Christmas Eve and it seems to be a rule of the Universe as we know it that there will always be one last thing we’ve forgotten or that hasn’t gotten done.  The malls will be full with people getting that last-minute shopping done.  In a minute I’ll be headed out the door to get…


I Need To Let That Go

In my field I’m constantly amused by the fact that those who need to let go of things/habits/assumptions cling to them with a death grip while swilling denial by the gallon and claiming that everything is fine.  Those who do all the releasing and letting go and purifying practices are the ones who don’t need…


So About That Weight Gain…

Feasting (ahem…overindulging…ahem) is a large part of the holiday season.  When done right it’s a delightful way in which to feel pampered and special, to celebrate and congregate, to share good times and make things merry.  Taken to excess…well…it becomes excessive.  Besides the not so hilarious holiday stories, the gastric distress, and the possible hangover…


Movement Isn’t Progress

Just doing something doesn’t mean you’re getting anywhere.  Just ask a hamster if you’re confused about that.  Going to the gym doesn’t mean you’ll lose weight, going to the mall doesn’t guarantee you’ll get the right thing, and meditating doesn’t mean that you’ll reach enlightenment or even find yourself.  (BTW…you’re sitting there meditating.  So you’re…


Unexpected Delights

One of the things which the busy-ness of the Christmas/Hanukkah season distracts us from is experiencing the unexpected delights that appear around us.  When we’re so busy getting to here, sending things there, getting things done so we can do other things, we tend to not even see what is around us other than as…


Story Time

One of the many traditions of Christmas season is the stories.  We read Christmas stories to our children, we watch Christmas cartoons, there are Christmas episodes of our favorite shows and there are Christmas movies galore.  I’m into irreverence so I enjoy Santa Claus Conquers the Martians as well as Scooby Doo Christmas specials of…


Encased In Armour

Martin Buber: Between Man and Man Each of us is encased in an armour whose task is to ward off signs.  Signs happen to us without respite, living means being addressed, we would need only to present ourselves and to perceive.  But the risk is too dangerous for us, the soundless thunderings seem to threaten…
