Learning From Our Past Lives

We’ve all heard about life not being perfect and about needing to fail multiple times in order to succeed and that everyone makes mistakes.  And all of this is true.  And it applies in the macro as well as the micro.  Our past lives are a record of our successes and our failures.  And guaranteed,…


Past Life Remains

People remember living lives before this one.  Whether they are fabricating those memories, conflating stories they heard in childhood with memory, or if these are actually memories, the fact is that they are happening.  The way in which they do so fall into two general categories:  spontaneously as part of childhood development or as a…


Past Life Choices

Some people think of past lives as evidence that life is somewhat like living on the eternal and universal playground where a bully is forever grabbing their wrist and hitting them with their own hand while chanting “Why’re you hitting yourself?  Why’re you hitting yourself?”  Others think of past lives as an ongoing class with…


Past Life Relevance

There are quite a few notions swirling around out there about past lives, what they mean, why we have them, and what we do about them. And there are a great many people out there trying to provide understanding and support, mostly by, unfortunately, claiming that they know a secret, an ancient practice, have communication…


Dealing with Confrontation

Not everyone likes dealing with confrontation.  Ok, people who actually like debate team, politicians, upper management of corporations, yadda yadda, those people do like it and therefore seek out ways to participate in it.  But for the most part people don’t like it and try to avoid it.  We associate it with uncomfortable conversations, unpleasant…


Moment In Time

Something I hear from clients and friends and family is “I can’t ‘do some kind of skill or activity’ so I’m just giving up.  I’ll never ‘whatever it is’.”  And on the one hand I can understand.  Boundaries and appropriate expectations are good to have.  I’m pretty sure I won’t be an astronaut in this…


Spirituality is Not Somewhere Else

Western culture has taught us that spirituality, religion, belief, faith is something that is separate from daily experience.  There is secular life and then there is spiritual life.  And those who merge the two are notable for their ‘difference.’  Clergy of all faiths, those who dedicate themselves to a cause or way of living are…


Have You Talked To Them About It?

I grew up in a community where complaining and gossiping about others was a national pastime.  Small town, small school, plethora of churches with small congregations where there was as much daytime drama in real life as there was on TV.  Never a dull moment unless you found petty drama boring…  So one thing I’ve…
