Seeing the patterns

We have amazingly analytical brains.  We’re constantly looking, in taking information, then making patterns out of it.  Especially other people’s behavior.  We can fairly easily see an acquaintance pick the wrong type of man over and over, the boss making the worst decision for the department, again, or actor in the horror flick reaching for…


People’s Expectations

Human beings are amazing at information gathering and analysis.  You do it every day.  You look at something in your house and you categorize the shapes and colors into types of furniture, decorations, useful tools, things to enjoy, things to use, things to do, what affects you and what you effect in the now and…


Trust Issues

Trust is a small word for a huge concept.  For some it is something given automatically and then either flourishes or dies a slow death from abuse.  For others it’s something that is earned through good intentions followed by good actions repeated over time.  It something that some people never offer or feel having had…



Everything is interconnected.  No I’m not going to start singing “The Circle of Life”.  That movie makes me a bit crazy.  However being a human being in a body means that you are connected to everything around you.  The plants in your house create part of the oxygen you breath.  Your local area produces the…


Have a good 4th of July

We just got through Canada day and now it’s 4th of July.  I’m not into nationalism or indulging in drunkenness and excess just because we have the day off.   And I’m not sure how helpful it is to meditate on all that this country has done for us because ‘this country’ is a huge theory…


I love a good adventure

It’s always been that way. I think I get it from my Dad.  I don’t mean I want to put myself in dangerous situations or I’m an adrenaline junky or anything.  I just love going new places and seeing what I find there.  Sometimes I go on road trips just to see what’s out there…


Your Soul Book

Each person has a book in the Akashic Library.  Just that in itself to me is dazzling.  Each of us is unique enough, important enough, worth enough to have our own book that records who and what we are.  Rockin!  Each book records information we don’t hold onto when we come here in a body…


What if this is all there is?

We’ve all had that thought, haven’t we?  I’m in this situation, I don’t have what I want, I need something better, I’m not safe, I’m not happy, I’m not anything I wanted to grow up to be.  But this is what I get and I need to just suck it up and deal.  Right? Hardly. …
