Beyond Self-Help

The latter half of the 20th century was informed by the notion of self-help.  By the idea that the answers to a good life were to be found through introspection.  Which turned out not to be the case for the most part.  I believe that it is an integral part of creating a good life,…


Unseen Aspects

Working with the Akashics teachings us things in a variety of ways.  Many times we are going there with a particular question or set of questions or a goal(s) in mind and we therefore expect that what we experience are focused on giving us information for those.  This can be great because it keeps us…


Where Decisions Get Made

Our culture focuses on logic and science and reproducible results.  Things that can be sensed and proven and depended on.  Well and good.  I’m all for it and find this incredibly useful and common sensical in most day-to-day activities.  Gravity works and alla that.  But this perspective can lead to an over emphasis on the…


Akashic Unity

I like to tell the story of one of my first Akashic experiences.  I didn’t know anything about the Akashics at the time nor did I know that we would be working with it.  I was with a group of students working with one of my Native teachers and we were doing a weekend workshop…


Knowledge Blindness

Crow medicine is the prime example of something being hidden in plain sight.  People see crows every day. They are seemingly everywhere because they thrive in urban environments.  They thrive around people because they are one of the ways in which the ecosystem cleans itself.  They clean up other people’s messes and humans are immensely…


The Akashics and Pets

The animal beings we choose (or that choose us) as pets grow sensitive to us in a variety of ways.  They figure out our moods and ways through our physical actions, through our vocalizations and through the scents we produce.  They attune to our healthy states and not when we vary from them.  Something that…


Kabbalah Progress

People have been asking how things are going with the Kabbalah studies.  Well, they are going.  I’m learning a lot.  And there is still a HUGE amount of reading yet to do.  Just so you get an idea, here’s the books I have awaiting my attention.  The stack in front is all Kabbalah with the…


Two Sides Of Healing

In general there are two sides of healing, preventative care and response to illness or injury once they’ve occurred.  It’s something that gets talked about quite a lot in the States because of our current system which is weighted towards intervention and cure and away from prevention.  So one good thing to come from all…


Deep Work In the Akashics

All journey’s into the Akashics do deep work.  It might not feel like it at the time, but unlike communication or interactions here, things are not happening on just one level when we go there.  For example, if you are seeing things you recognize and being told that you are doing things right, this can…


Animal Guide – Wolf

When looked at as a totem or a symbol, most people focus on the lone wolf.  They see the wolf’s intelligence, ability to work independently, its swift movement and ability to adapt to ever changing situations including ecosystems and food sources.  And they should because these are some of the gifts of wolf and they…
