Spirituality in a Secular World

Very little about spirituality seems appetizing in this secular world.  Besides Evangelicals and the GOP in politics at the moment and their need to push women’s rights back to the Victorian age or prior, missionaries knocking at doors at odd hours, there are the role models who either preach abstinence but live like rock stars…


The Akashics through hypnosis

“Akashic in Sanskrit means “space,” and Indian philosophy uses this term to describe a space representing a universal filing system that records every thought, word, and action in our lifetime. While people in trance may be influenced by a conscious memory of this well-known karmic term, more often than not in hypnosis, …subjects recalling spiritual…


Healing may not mean well

Western culture medicine seems to look at health as a competition.  The unhealthy aspect of a person is something ‘other’ that is attempting to take over, modify, or destroy the person.  The medical establishment is a competitor that wants to ‘win’ by stopping the ‘other’ in their tracks and restoring the patient to life.  I’m…


What is Happy?

In talking with friends and clients I’ve found that there is a disconnect in people’s meaning of the word “happy”.  Some people say the word happy when they mean the sensation of being contented.  Others us it to mean being passionate about something and being able to participate in it.  Having two people in a…


New to the Akashics

Kathy Karlander has some great advice for those just starting to work with the Akashic Records in her book Discovering the Essence of Your Soul. “Allow the information to flow into your thoughts without judgement or censoring.  This is often the most challenging part for new students.  There is definitely an element of trust that…


The Akashics are for Everyone

In the past 100 years, as our world has moved closer to a new age, more and more people have begun to experience heightened awareness of the connectedness of all things, the earth, politics, and personal interactions.  More have felt a calling to seek out ways in which to improve their lives and the lives…


Balance, baby!

It’s officially Spring.  Today is the Spring Equinox which is the day when the amount of daylight is exactly the same as the amount of darkness.  It’s the turning of the tide where things will now become more light filled, colors will spring forth and soon there will be procreation and an explosion of cute…


Self Hate

There Is Nothing Wrong With You by Cheri Huber is one of the best books I’ve ever read.  It’s very simple but profound in the most down to earth way.  And I came across it in the most random way.  An internationally known dance instructor was using it in class as a way for dancers…


Vulnerability is the key to joy

I just discovered Brené Brown and her talks on Ted. She is a researcher who has spent a decade researching Shame and Vulnerability.  Her conclusions and her insights are wonderful and eye-opening and I really appreciate her candor.  She points to vulnerability as the courage to be authentic in the face of judgement and disconnection.  Her…


Good must have an opposite?

I was raised to believe that everything has an opposite.  Good and evil, democrat and republican, young and old, death and taxes….oh wait…no that’s another subject entirely.  Anywhoo….throughout my childhood I saw the negative way using opposites, or black and white thinking, could do.  If a person did something it was either a good thing…
