Symbols in the Akashics

Souls learn the culture of symbols.  Symbols are not just forms or concepts or a means of communication.  They are beings, entities in their own right with history and free will and abilities of their own.  Symbols can be used to create, to deconstruct, to educate, to facilitate travel and bridge worlds.  They are beings…


Self-imposed boxes

I’ve never been one to flinch from situations that were out of my comfort zone or to decide against doing something because it didn’t fit a social norm or because of what others thought about it.  Which, it’s brought to my attention repeatedly, is not how the majority of people live.  To which I always…


Black and White Thinking

I just finished reading a book, the most recent work from a teacher I have worked with and admire.  She’s a well respected academic who was a pivotal member of those women in the 60’s working in San Francisco reimagining spirituality and reconnecting with women’s embodied sense of the world and our place in it. …


Anais Nin

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is…


Hiding from yourself

Hiding things from other people is something we do every day. We call it wearing mask or just plain old politeness.  Depends on if your perspective is getting what you want from other people or refraining from enlightening people with the truth, I suppose.  It’s part of everyday life, not something nefarious, necessarily.  However, hiding…


Round Tuit

Once upon a time I was a college student working to get my undergraduate degree.  And during this mythical, magical time, I took a trip to Europe with my fellow students and one night, after 10 days of traveling, we ended up in a beer house in Munich.  And of course, hilarity, tall tales, and…


Living Sacred

But the sacred is not only an internal thing between your soul and an unseen deity.  It is also your body and the world around you.  Prayer is not just thoughts in your head or words whispered in quiet corners.  It is the actions of your hands, the choices of your heart, and the places…
