Trauma and Empathy

It’s part of our hard wiring to feel empathy for others pain. Mirror neurons fire within us when we see someone else do or feel something.  It’s why laughter is infectious, why we get the shivers when we see someone else get a scalp massage, get hungry when we’re watching others eat food, etc. It’s…


We Manifest the Possible

Each of us is like a faucet. Akasha, the life force that allows our souls and our bodies to function as a complete system, flows through us every moment of every day. It flows into us from the universe entering through our heads and flowing out through our feet. It flows upward from the embodied…


To Those Who Have Lost

My thoughts and prayers are with those who have lost loved ones in Paris today. Their shock, grief and loss is not a political statement, although it will be used in that way.  Their lives are not the raw material of symbols although they will be co-opted for that purpose. Their anguish is unique although…


Be Your Own Soulmate

You know all those quizzes out there: compatibility, does your mate rate, how to meet the love of your life, etc. They put things which are complicated and synergistic into little fun sound bites, make tapestries into lists and then numbers and then a score.  Wheeeee!  They are fun and I’m only slightly knocking them…just…


Broken Trust

Healing is a multistage process not matter what kind it is. Usually we can group the stages into two main phases: triage and recovery.  Triage is when we or others stop what is happening from going any further and then start the repair of the damage.  Think of a broken leg.  Triage would be to…


How To Deal With Fear

I sometimes wonder what our culture would look like if we didn’t have the heroic ideal as the role model for how we should deal with problems or fears.  If we didn’t have all the rhetoric around standing your ground, facing your fears head on, working through the pain, going on no matter what the…


The Body Remembers

The body has a knowing.  One way we experience this is through muscle memory which we experience through two general categories. The most commonly discussed is that used by athletes, dancers, performers, and martial artists which is gained through repetition of an action or set of actions.  Everyone uses this to some extent for activities…


Tilting At Passions

People say they don’t know what they are passionate about, but that’s not really so.  If you scratch the surface you’ll find they are passionate about a whole lot of things on the plus and minus side. If they weren’t they wouldn’t have that rule about not discussing politics or religion with most anyone and…
