Live without regrets

Nothing is more heart wrenching than leaving something undone until it is too late.  If there is something you really want to do, don’t worry about what other people will think, don’t worry about how to get it done, get rid of the box you’ve been thinking in and go out and do it.  10…


Being present

Clients I work with all want to know, “What’s my purpose in life?”  and “Why am I here?”.   Sometimes the answers are really exciting and ‘sexy’ like, “You’re here to help heal small children” or “You’re here to learn this major lesson about love and family” or “You’re here to work in foreign countries bringing…


Practical Application

In writing about sacred space, I’ve been thinking about religious spaces.  And there are a lot of religious spaces to consider.  Just the number of temples in India boggles the mind, let alone the shrines, ashrams, and wandering mystics.  Or think about the number of churches in the Bible Belt in the states.  Heck, where…


Paying Attention

I hear people talk about listening being an art form or a lost art.  *sigh*  I don’t actually see it as an art so much as a necessity of life.  Kinda like looking where you walk.  You can not do that and stub your toe, fall and break a bone, go off steep cliffs and…


What’s that middle part again?

I’ve heard that other writers and artists suffer through this as well.  There’s a point, somewhere in the middle of a project, where it feels like you’ve totally failed, you’re a failure, this is never going to work, you should scrap it and start over, you’re never going to make deadline, what was I thinking…


Mediums and the Akashics

Being a medium is a time honored tradition whose popularity ebbs and flows in popular culture. It was taken on by Spiritualism in Victorian times and became somewhat like video games are to us today. Entertainment that can become obsessive and or a lifestyle.  I recently watched an interesting HBO special on Lilydale which is…



Everyone grieves at some point in their lifetime.  In fact, it’s a common emotion with many different variations just like there are multitudinous types of sadness, happiness, or anger.  We can grieve the loss of a pet, a friend, an opportunity, a phase of life, a career, a toy, or a loved one, just to…


Thought Forms & Creativity

Souls are taught the difference between thought forms, creation, and conscious existence.  In a realm where thoughts are energy and therefore manifest as form, that dissolve once the thought has concluded and the thinker has moved on, a distinction has to be learned between temporary thought forms and existing forms which are unaffected by thought. …


Soul Book

The soul book for each individual records the social worker’s detailed decision making process, the teachers credentials and agreement to act as guide for the soul and information concerning the nature of the soul’s soul group at its inception including social orientation and general perspective. A group’s social orientation might be towards picking an interesting…
