What’s your secret dream?

Have you ever had a dream of being something or doing something that made your heart sing and brought a smile to your face if you ever thought of it? Something so off the wall or crazy or completely radical and impractical that you couldn’t tell a soul? Haven’t we all? Let’s be honest. 🙂…


Souls are limitless

Have you ever felt hopeless?  Ever felt like the way things are is the way it has always been and will always be and there’s nothing you can do to change it?  Haven’t we all?  Believe me, you are not alone in that feeling. The hard part is that, while you’re in that feeling, you…


Do you have a purpose?

Countless conversations either start or end with “What’s the point of all this?”  It’s a question that human beings have been asking for centuries.  I think that all too often Western society thinks there should be a simple, single quantifiable answer to that, a magic wand or a pill that will make it all make…


Akasha – the most fundamental of the 5 elements

“Akasha…is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘ether’: all-pervasive space. Originally signifying ‘radiation’ or ‘brilliance,’ in Indian philosophy akasha was considered the first and most fundamental of the five elements – the others being vata (air), agni (fire), ap (water), and prithivi (earth). Akasha embraces the properties of all five elements: it is the womb from which…


The Akashics and Addiction

It has come to be commonly agreed that some people have “addictive personalities” which means that doctors and specialists in Western culture cannot find a cause/effect reason for a person to be addicted to a substance or activity. So basically there is no reason for you to smoke or drink heavily or eat too much,…
