Excitement or Drama

On television these two words are synonomous.  Drama is excitement and shows are filled with it week in and week out.  The more the better and with ever increasing intensity as a show unfolds throughout a season or seasons.  However life makes quite a few distinctions between the two. Drama is what happens when a…


Classes, Classes, Classes

Are you interested in learning how to read your own Soul Book in the Akashics? Well now is the time. Over the past year I have been working on materials to teach what I do and now they are available to you. For those who are interested in self paced learning I am working with…


Cleaning & Clearing

In Cherokee tradition the time for cleaning and clearing is in August.  Everything is geared around the time of ripening crops and in particular the corn.  Corn is considered the first woman in our traditions and the largest ceremony of the year is when the green corn turns ripe.  In honor of this and to…


Reading in the Akashics

I hear a lot from people who are interested in learning how to do readings in the Akashics or have been trying to learn how to read in the Akashics from books or from trainings they have received from teachers.  I have learned over time to just sit back and listen while they describe their…


Sometimes it’s about Validation

Community is important. We live interconnected lives but like the villages of old, through circumstances of family, career, education, or just plain happenstance, we are thrust into association with people.  Masses and masses of them and rarely of our choosing.  Now sometimes we make great friends and networks from this and create community through it.…


The Stories In Our Heads

Group dynamics are fascinating to me.  Just a few days ago I was having a conversation about various friends and their experiences with organized religion.  I know a few who entered what could be considered a monastic life, moving into a community geared towards a specific kind of spirituality, removing themselves from a mainstream lifestyle,…


Road Blocks

Road blocks aren’t just something that makes traffic jams and makes us wonder about the wisdom of our city planners and how our tax dollars are being spent.  Road blocks happen in life as well and only some of them are external.  Spring is a time for new beginnings.  For things changing and becoming and…


Seeking Yourself Is an Act of Courage

The mind is an amazing thing.  We can work to ‘not know’ things about ourselves and achieve this in so many ways.  We can medicate ourselves through food, alcohol, recreational drugs, overwork, gaming, media intake, etc etc.  We can also ‘not know’ things about ourselves by ignoring them, judging them in others, or telling ourselves…


It’s All Perception

Continuing to enjoy Brene Brown.  From I Thought It Was Just Me (but it isn’t) From page 111: Critical awareness also requires us to question this notion of blaming the victim. In particular, some pop psychologists preach that “There is no such thing as reality, just perception.”  Not only is this inaccurate, it’s dangerous.  Racism…



Thank you, Kathryn for creating a wonderful Passover Seder.  It was an amazing blend of sacred and contemporary, fulfilled all the requirements of an ordered dinner and brought so much laughter that my cheeks hurt at the end of the night.  28 people sitting at three tables changed the dining and living rooms of her…
