Just Say No to Perfectionism

We don’t usually judge our friends or acquaintances or peers because they need help with something or don’t know something or aren’t perfect at doing something.  At least not the first hundred times.  🙂  After 100 we tend to get judgmental but I think it might be warranted in some cases.  However, most people are…


Liking the Truth

I’ve been thinking about mirrors.  Mirrors as metaphor, people as mirrors, mirrors as the enemy of all women, mirrors as an indicator that our vision is incredibly skewed, etc, etc.  I use the concept of mirrors in working with my clients that are overly sensitive to the perspectives, opinions, and actions of others.  I have…


Going Within – A Female Journey

I have always been frustrated by the hero’s journey as described by Joseph Campbell and by Greek mythology which seemed so out of touch with or misogynist about women and goddesses.  I never understood or had any connection with the Persephone myth.  It’s this really weird rape fantasy piece where she is the perfect and…


2013 – Entering The Unknown

Many cultures see snake symbology as fire, the element that succinctly changes something from one form into another.  It changes complex, multifunctional, crafted items into base components in moments, alters the sense of separateness into one of forced unity through deconstruction, and threatens our sense of control and what we know to be unalterable truths…


Reviewing your 2012

It’s something we all do and I’m not sure why, but there you are.  We look back at the year that is ending, get out our favorite bludgeoning tool and start beating ourselves up for everything we didn’t get done, everything we should have done, everything we think we did wrong and everything we could…


Set Up the New Year

This year, let’s do something a little bit different.  Instead of proclaiming New Year’s resolutions that are so lofty they can’t be reached and setting ourselves up for failure, let’s set up the New Year right.  Let’s change the paradigm we’re using to think about 2013.  Because most people when thinking about the New Year…
