We Choose to Connect

For some the holidays are full of uncomfortable connections. Being a time for gathering family and friends together, relationship issues which live in the background the rest of the year come front and center. The things we’d rather avoid (or people) loom ahead and it can feel inevitable. People feel trapped between the hard place…


Shards of Glass

This year seems to be a year of shattering.  All around me I listen to people as they tell me the stories contained in the glittering glass fragments strewn all around them.  They are beautiful as they reflect the light, the stories they contain are lovely and heart breaking and devastating.  I hear stories that…



by Elizabeth Gilbert Surrender is what happens when you come to the end of your power. Surrender is what happens when you have searched to the bottom of your soul and found out this truth — which is that you really can’t do this thing anymore. Surrender is what happens when you don’t have any…


Listen To Your Body Wisdom

The holidays are a time when we tend to throw out any pretense we have to self-care or listening to our body’s wisdom. We get caught up in expectations, sensory overload, and a hectic time-table of activities which sweep us into situations we would never get into otherwise.  We drive when we’re too tired in…


Allies Vs. Crutches

We associate crutches with being broken, limited ability to do things, and being needy hence we have developed the term “crutches” as a negative. We label things as being crutches that are preventing us from standing on our own two feet, dealing with our issues, as a means of avoidance, and a distraction from what…
