Do You Know Where You Are?

Pema Chodron has popularized the concept “Start Where You Are” which points out that goals and expectations and our brain in general can get in the way of our doing things.  It doesn’t matter where you want to go, who you want to be, or what you want to get done.  Before you can do…


Totems & The Akashics

There is a difference between an animal guide and a totem.  And animal guide is there for the purpose of that specific journey.  For my students they are there to help with the work in reading your soul book and in general to help you navigate the Akashics in comfort.  Because it’s always more fun…


Bringing The Akashics To Life

Working with the Akashics is a conversation.  It’s not all in your head, only part of it is, just like any other conversation you have during the day.  Part of the conversation is formed of things you think of  and then make physical by vocalizing them (or in the Deaf community by signing them) and…


Teacher and Taught

Continuing with the mythology of our day, Star Wars, we are given wonderful examples of the teacher and the student archetypes.  Luke has all kinds of teachers along the way, from Obi Wan the father figure of childhood, to Darth Vader the father figure of adulthood that shocks us into the reality that parents are…


It’s A Love/Hate Relationship

It’s kinda the elephant in the room.  Everyone knows or guesses it’s there, but no one really knows what to say or if they should bring it up.  But at some point someone either trips over it or inadvertently lets something slip.  Because how can you not.  Thanks a lot, George Lucas.  Thanks for Star…


Holistic Life

I start my readings by scanning my clients physical body.  Which seems like a 90 degree turn from reading someone’s soul book right?  I mean, what does the soul have to do with the body?  And what does this body have to do with the life I’m meant to lead? These questions aren’t surprising because…


Is It Right or Right Now?

Guides, teachers, totems and such follow the same rules as significant others and friends.  Some of them are forever and some of them are just about that moment in time, like right now, and once that moment is over, so is the relationship.  This was brought home to me rather sharply when I was working…
