Planting Too Deep

Being creative seems to me to be a bit like planting.  Some projects need a really specific situation with lots of preplanning and just the right combination of elements in the right order to make them flourish.  Some are set it and forget it, then need lavish care once they come into the light of…


Not Knowing

One of the scariest things in life is not knowing.  Not knowing how things will turn out, not knowing if you’ll succeed, not knowing if you’ll be able to actually do it, not knowing if you’re going to survive…The unknown can be absolutely terrifying because it can be anything.  It can be everything.  It can…


Scared of the Word Interesting

From Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert “Sometimes I think that the difference between a tormented creative life and a tranquil creative life is nothing more than the difference between the word awful and the word interesting. Interesting outcomes, after all, are just awful outcomes with the volume of drama turned way down. I think a…


Claim Yourself

Life requires us to prioritize.  These things over here are more important, those are time critical, this is necessary to make sure we have the necessities for survival, that will keep the peace, and all of this other stuff will just need to wait until we can get to it.  Because there’s only so much…


Give In

It can be a so frustrating when there are a ton of things to get done and every task is shouting as loud as it can and you can’t hear and you can’t think except all you can do is think because there are so many things to get done. The ones that are a…



“Don’t think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art.” ― Andy Warhol Somehow we’ve gotten this weird dichotomy in our heads.  On the one had, being an artist takes tons of…


Just A Little Change

I have to say that I love Martha Beck’s writing.  She’s funny, common sensical, and able to say “don’t do as I did, do what makes sense, because I’m crazy.”  Aren’t we all?  🙂 What I really admire about her perspective is that she understands that we are em-bodied spiritual beings having an experience in…


Discover Kabbalah and the Tree of Life

My new class is available starting today! Discover Kabbalah and the Tree of Life Kabbalah /’kabələ’/ (קַבָּלָה‎,“receiving/tradition”) is the living mystical tradition of Judaism. Its roots stretch back to the time of the Torah, the first five books of the Bible’s Old Testament, and to the oral traditions, collected into the Talmud, which predate and…


Life Imitates Soul

We are spiritual beings living an embodied life.  We weren’t forced to come here, karma didn’t require it, we’re not prisoners here waiting for release, we chose this.  For a myriad of reasons that fall into categories such as Personal Growth, Service to Others, Exploration, Graduate Studies, Practical Application of Apprenticeship Skills, and so on. …
