Bringing the Akashics Here

Akashic wisdom and knowledge and instruction isn’t all about the mind and the emotions.  And manifesting it isn’t all about taking on a new project, learning a new spiritual modality, or taking on a new form of work.  Sometimes its very practical and concrete. This wasn’t hard for me to grasp back in the day…


Why these parents?

When I look at the notes that a client wrote in their soul book about this life, there are detailed notations about their parents, referring to the embodied beings that brought them into this life.  There are additional notations concerning any adoptive parents and all the other adults that might have had significant input into…


Looking Outside for the In

This first step to solving any issue is to recognize that there is an issue.  The second step is being willing to take action to resolve it.  Many times the hitch comes in figuring out what actions or series of actions are going to actually help resolve the problem. A few things that can mess…


The Financial Crisis

We are all products of our current culture that has taught us to think certain ways about money.  The worst part is that it has taught us that money is some island separate from life and has nothing to do with how we live or interact with each other.  And what we need to realize…


Family Healing

Families have a tendency to hand things down from parents to children.  There’s the admixture of DNA, personality traits, sometimes skills and habits, and then there are the traditions around holidays and special events, the perspectives on how the world works, finances and social status, as well as things.  Of course there is also the…


Continuing Education

The Akashics provides unique means of continuing in depth spiritual studies.  If you are interested in or currently studying Tarot, I-Ching, Runes, Kabbalah, Theosophy, the Medicine Wheel, or any other spiritual path or practice, you can find personal instruction in the Akashics.  There are three main ways to do so: read about it in the…


Learning Bias

Modern culture and its educational systems have enforced the concept that learning comes from being told.  And that telling is direct and to the point.  Therefore anything can be learned through reading text books, watching instructional videos, and, like in science, everything builds on the thing before it.  So you don’t have to have worked…


Let’s Do This

I know I’ve posted this before, but this is where I’m at today.  “Let’s Start This Shit Up!”  — Ze Frank An Invocation for Beginnings  – Ze Frank tells it like it is. And if you want these words to inspire you visually, they reside here: http://


Rewriting Our Stories

We are the stories that we tell.  Tell to others, tell to ourselves.  And what’s great about that is that stories can change.   One of the biggest conflicts between cultures with written language and oral cultures (those that learn by memorization and story telling, which have oral histories) is that written language makes time stop…


Something Different

Today I am visiting my Mom.  She’s in her mid-80’s, still living in the house I grew up in, and we’re going to visit and enjoy the glorious weather.  While I’m here I’m going to clean and tidy graves for the various family members, including my Dad, since I wasn’t able to do it over…
