Sometimes You Have To Flail

Ever had that moment where you’re home, the lights are off and the light switch you need is just over there? So you walk towards it with your arms out, confident but hesitant because you know where everything is in the room.  Then you reach out to where this piece of furniture should be as…


When Should I Do It?

I had a client recently, who asked me how they would receive a sign that it was time for them to start on their path, to start serving the purpose they designated for themselves in this life.  The question startled me so much that I actually laughed.  We had spent the last 30 minutes discussing…


Craft Your Life

Life is what happens while you’re making plans.  We’re taught to plan things before we execute, think ahead, work smarter not harder, that way we can get from here to there, achieve our dreams somewhat in the same way a classical army would “take that hill!”  I tend to visualize this as an architect carefully…


Happily Ever After

…is a phrase that ends children’s stories.  No need to worry about what comes next.  The good guys get rewarded, the bad guys are either gone or have learned their lessons, and all is right with the world.  No more work, no more struggle, no more heavy lifting, just bliss and happiness and playtime forever. …


Looks Good On Paper

Ever had an exchange with someone over email or text where you completely misunderstood what was meant?  What is on paper loses something in translation and emoji and emoticons can’t quite make up for the emotional content which makes the intent and possibly the whole meaning mysterious and up to interpretation.  Sometimes this has hilarious…


Stop Processing

Being in process is the “finding myself” of the 21st Century.  Being in process, getting into the process, figuring out the process, following through on the process, seeing it for what it is, just letting it….Oh good grief!  Time to process the processing of your process elsewhere, please. The brain needs distance from events and…


Kabbalah Class Progress

For those who aren’t aware, I’m working on a new class for  It’s a Kabbalah 101 class focused on the Tree of Life, specifically on how this is a blueprint for manifestation.  The Tree of Life, like the Chakra system, is part of our bodies but describes in detail the steps on how we…


I Thought I Was Done With That

It can be so frustrating. All the work, the struggle, the therapy, the digging and picking to find out the trigger, the specific event, to deal with the after effects, all the forgiving and healing and reclaiming of power…it’s so exhausting.  And after all that, years of it, dealing with the aftermath of the failed…
