Akashic Library Explorations

Ever get so focused on something you do all the time that you forget to smell the roses?  Yeah, happens to me too.  I focus so much on working with client’s soul books and teaching students how to read their soul books and how to navigate the Akashic landscape and work with mentors that I…


The Rudolph Rule

I meet the most amazing people.  People who have extraordinary gifts, who delight me with the wisdom and richness of their personalities, who do and are things I wonder at because they are so different from who I am and what I do.  I meet these people because they want to know what is wrong…


When You’re Ready

There’s a difference between desiring something, being willing to do “whatever it takes” to get there and actually being ready to do what it will take.  Most people who say they are ready are exactly the ones who aren’t.  Not that they aren’t capable, that the timing is wrong or the elements aren’t there, but…


It Could Be Great…

There are times when I’m caught off guard by people.  They seem rational, upbeat, only the usual amount of unhappy, doing things with their lives that are interesting and being generally good people out in the world and then they start talking about some relationship they are having or trying to have.  I don’t notice…


Your Pain Is Valid

It’s not uncommon for clients to tell me that their lives are just fine, everything is going well and they have good lives…well except for: infidelity, abuse, loneliness, overwork, working at something they hate, a life built on lies, codependance, addiction, weight issues, illness, self-destructive behaviors, self-loathing, low self-esteem, depression, hopelessness, and possibly a deep…


I Don’t Know What…

One of the hardest things in life, one of them, is to find out that what you thought was you and was all of that aspect of you is only the tip of the iceberg.  To find out that you don’t know what you don’t know about yourself when you thought you did is mindboggling…



Most people see flailing as a failure.  They see it as out of control, panicking, being lost and needing help.  It’s inefficient, it’s frustrating, it prevents forward momentum, it creates unnecessary drama, and it’s miserable for pretty much everyone around.  We all experience it at one point or another.  If nothing else we go through…


Every Little Bit Counts

Life is busy.  It can be hard to balance everything we have and need to do with the things we want to do and the things that will help us achieve our dreams and our long-term goals.  Looking at everything it can be frustrating or overwhelming or both trying to figure out how to get…


New E-Books Are Here!

By popular demand I’ve put together three new E-books.  For years I’ve been sending out newsletters and emails which have developed into the Akashic Wisdom teachings which go out each Saturday to my email subscribers.  Through these I’ve explored  aspects of soul books that I don’t cover in my classes, more fully explore and discover…


Whose Narrative Is It?

Our lives are built out of the stories we tell.  The stories we tell each other, the ones we tell ourselves, and the ones our souls whisper to us late at night when they can get a word in edgewise.  Our dreams are just the stories our soul and our guides and our inner wisdom…
