Holding Space

When something drastic occurs to the people we love, the first thing we want to do is do something.  Well, the first thing we want to do is be able to do anything because shock shuts everything down.  Then once we are able to function a bit we want to make it not have happened. …


Where the path leads

Sometimes our paths are straight.  We graduate from High School, we get a job or goto college, and everything goes exactly as planned. Sometimes our paths are unexpected.  We meet someone and decide to go where there path leads.  We get a chance to travel somewhere and decide to stay.  We get a rare opportunity…


Happy Valentines Day

There are a lot of opinions out there on the subject, but to my mind, Valentines Day is about love.   The marketing and the hype trying to get it to be about romantic love and to sell us things so we can give things to significant others.  And I’m not opposed to that at all…


Back in the day

One of the more significant issues facing White Western cultures today is elder care.  It’s not that people didn’t become elderly before now.  It’s not that there are necessarily more of them becoming elderly than there were before, although that is due to start here relatively shortly due to the Baby Boomers.  I see two…


Hollow Bone

Being spiritual doesn’t mean being better than others.  It doesn’t require that you live an ascetic life.  It doesn’t mean that you have risen above everyone else.  On the contrary.  What it means is that you look at yourself and see clearly who and what you are: a human being like everyone else. And then…



Anger in our culture is such a divisive emotion.  Besides the fact that it is over used and abused in the media because of the drama factor, people have such striking opinions about it.  Some feel that it should only be displayed in private, behind closed doors and only to the person or persons involved…


One thing to change

What is the one thing you are going to change today? Our being in the Universe requires that we move and do because we need to eat and eliminate and breath.  We are home to millions of organism that live with us symbiotically on, around and in our bodies.  We move through an environment that…


What if?

What if things had been different?  There is a great segway in the movie Under the Tuscan Sun where the main character says “Any little change along the way and I would be somewhere else.  I would be different.” The camera pans across her writing desk which holds mementos from her life’s journey from misery…



Dreams don’t need to be lofty ideals or game changing events.  They don’t have to be ‘happily ever after’ or rider towards the sunset.  They can be small amounts of wonder or joy or amazement that you can fit into the palm of your hand.  They can be doing something you’ve always wanted to try…


Just Be

I’m very much into creating, into doing, into making things happen in life and going for what I want.  I’ve always called it ‘adventuring’ although it’s not adrenaline junky stuff.  I’ve ridden in a two-seater helicopter, but I’m not interested in sky diving.  I am interested in pointing my car in a direction and just…
