Be Open to the Unexpected

Mixed messages abound in our culture.  In particular the messages around achievement.  Regardless of the end goal, the messages we are given talk about hard work, setting clear specific goals, being detail oriented, don’t take no for an answer, never give up, make a plan and stick to it, never take your eye off the…


Passenger or Driver

In working with clients I bump up against their perspective that they are a passenger along for the ride.  “I don’t really have any questions, I just want to know what my Soul Book wants me to know.”  I recognize that this is something that we’ve all been taught for hundreds of years: no one…


Akashic Records

Akashic Records, Akashic Library, Past Lives, Akashics…people use all of these terms to mean the same thing and this can cause quite a bit of confusion.  Each of these is quite different even though they are related.  And each is amazing and worth exploring so here’s a little bit of explanation to help you find…


Stick With It

Dreaming is the fun part. We see the end goal, we bask in the glory of achievement, we think about what life will be like once we get there. However the middle part is kinda vague.  You know, that part between where you are now and where you will be when you achieve your dream?…


Emotions in Time

Emotions are like water. They are healthiest when they are in movement. They happily live in seeming contradiction, changing in each moment and yet always there within their banks, along the shore, ever-present.  There are times, events, occurences where they act dramatically and create radical change, but for the most part they are simply ever-present.…


Stop Doing & Enjoy

It’s such a North American thing to spend a HUGE amount of our waking hours working to ‘get something done’.  There is always a list of things that need doing and only so much time in the day to do them, most of them having nothing to do with fun or living life or enjoyment…


Explore Your World

Unplug, get up, and get out.  It’s not just about being fit, being connected through disconnecting (ah, technology), or getting back in touch with the world around us, it’s opening our eyes to what is actually around us.  We humans have the privilege and curse to be open to more input than just what is…


Original Grace

Rita Nakashima Brock, Journeys By Heart Because the very existence of heart is basic to the structure of human life itself and is the basis of our being broken in relationships, we require connections if we are to acknowledge our own broken heart and be healed.  At the earliest part of our lives we are…



Some people fill their lives with want.  Wanting so many things to be different but making no effort to make things different.  Some people use wanting as a way to distract themselves from what they truly need.  They put their efforts into wanting the newest style, gadget, or thing so that they can’t see that…


Status Quo

Over the past couple of months I have worked with quite a few clients that were asking for help in creating the changes in their lives they so desperately needed.  Whether that was healing for their bodies or relief from an emotional issue or resolution to an ancient hurt, they all needed support and permission…
