Overcome your need to Overcome

I remember when I was first experiencing sweatlodge and listening to water pourers and elders talk about it.  Some come from what is deemed a warrior perspective: it needs to be hot, it needs to be difficult, you need to wrestle with your issues, be broken down, and then build yourself back up through getting…


The Akashics isn’t just a Library

I find that most people who know they are working with the Akashics either focus on working in the Library where records are stored, for individuals, events and really everything or they focus on channeling information from guides, teachers, masters, and don’t get information about the Akashics itself.  Those few who do get information or…


Is it normal?

It’s a common trope these days.  Without local community, with families spread apart geographically, schools over crowded, and our society becoming ‘global’ and electronically ‘social’ it is hard to find any standards for behavior other than what is presented in the ubiquitous an overwhelming advertising we are subjected to each minute.  So what is ‘normal’? …


Was I famous before?

Past lives can be fun or they can be dreary or they can be a bit horrifying.  People love to dig into them for a variety of reasons.  Some want to relive a glorious lifetime of wealth or fortune or fame.  Some want to know why they are fascinated by a certain topic or hobby…


Don’t Sweat…

Know that saying ‘Don’t sweat the small stuff. It’s all small stuff.’  Well, yes.  In the end, unless you’re a Marvel comic’s super hero or a brain surgeon or a rocket scientist, it’s all small stuff.  So don’t sweat it.  But do pay attention to it.  Because who you are is spelled out in the…


Got Soul Book?

Language is a funny thing.  And English a laugh riot.  Or as the saying goes “English doesn’t borrow from other languages.  English follows other languages down dark alleys, knocks them over, and goes through their pockets for loose grammar.”  So when I and others talk about the Akashics, like everyone else who uses language, we…


Working with Animal Guides

It’s always a blast to find out what your animal guides, or totems, are or to be around when other people find theirs.  One person can be working with chicken in one aspect of their lives and with tiger in another.  People are complex and fascinating.  However, when I talk with people they speak as…


Postcards from your Guides

I have met quite a few channels or mediums, if you prefer, helping people to receive direct communication from their guides, angels, teachers, ascended masters, Uncle Phil, etc, etc.  And I have met quite a few students who have worked with teachers that are attempting to spread the knowledge of how to do this out…
