Bringing It Here

So much about spirituality is focused on either going in or going somewhere else.  Looking outside the self to a better place, working to release from the physical body with all of its needs and it’s missteps and mistakes and desires and whims so we can be in a perfected state and achieve bliss and…


What About Both/And?

I’m a fan of “both/and.”  I think that quite a few problems come from the either/or way of thinking and the “my way or the highway” mode of perceiving the world.  I work with lots of really great people who believe and perceive that there is no way to get from here to there because…


What You Know…

…can hold you back.  Experience is a good thing and one of the building blocks we use in order to evolve and become.  Knowing that hot things burn and you shouldn’t lick a frozen pole are fabulous things that can keep you from harm.  Learning about honesty as the best policy is one thing.  Figuring…


Is It Self Evident?

We all make assumptions about things.  Our life can sometimes be a dance of making an assumption and then finding out that what we assumed doesn’t match the reality.  We assume that it will rain that day because of the way the weather is in the morning and what the news tells us, then it…


Can You Hear Me Now?

One of the things I have learned from reaching people’s soul books is that there is a limit to how much future information or just information in general that any particular client can take in, which is directly connected with the transformation nature of the information.  I can go through reams of past life information…


Fear Of Failure

Many of my clients are consulting me because they are feeling that ‘someday’ has become ‘now’ and they want to know what they should be doing with now.  The way they approach it makes it seem like the path they should be walking is a complete mystery and they need me to unveil it for…


Sometimes It Is

I get a number of questions from clients and students asking me “Is it something Karmic that I brought with me into this life?”  Most of the time it’s not.  When we complete an embodied life and return to the Akashics we, almost immediately, go into seclusion with our teacher and completely review the life…


Meaning Vs. Judgement

In this year of the Horse we may feel encouraged or challenged to experience the difference between meaning and judgement.  This magnificent brain of ours is constantly sifting and sorting through all the information our senses bring to us and making meaning out of them.  Plus there are all the emotions as well as all…


Horse Teachings

For most of us, when we think about horse we think about beauty and freedom and joy.  It’s about the movement.  They are gorgeous and yet strong and so fast, by our standards.  They wouldn’t beat a cheetah in a race, but that’s not the point. 🙂  If we think about them at rest, we…
