Broke Or Out of Shape?

Something that I find interesting is that many of my clients explain to me a trait they’ve discovered in themselves that is tripping them up and obviously a flaw in their character that needs to be fixed.  Unless they feel that they are tragically broken and can’t fix it therefore they need to work around…


The Cardboard Cutout

Since I’m on a roll with ways in which we seem to be connecting with and honoring others while not actually doing that, I’ve got a couple of more for you: “You’re perfect” and “I’m so proud of you”.  I mean, what could be wrong with being seen as perfect or having someone be proud…


Time For Some Thrilling Heroics

There’s a time to plan and there’s time to implement the plan.  Planning just a wee bit more or evaluating the plan just one more time doesn’t actually add anything to the endeavor.  In fact, it wastes time, effort, and sometimes the patience of the other people involved.  It tends to muck things up and…


How Did It Become About You?

Something that just really hit me over the past few days is the interesting ways in which we honor people. It’s been on my mind a bit due to the passing of Leonard Nimoy.  He was an amazing man in so many ways including being Spock, being a great director, a talented photographer, a genuinely…



Most of us have experienced nosiness.  People who are overly interested in us, in the minutia of our lives, who need to know even though they really don’t need to know.  It’s worse if they feel the need to comment on what they think they need to know.  😛  The opposite to nosiness isn’t good…


But What If?

It’s great to be able to see the big picture and to look at all the possible outcomes of taking this action or that.  It’s a great way to make a plan of action, but looking at all the components and possibilities and putting things together from the best of all of it.  Sometimes this…


Leonard Nimoy 1931 – 2015

The character of Spock was a family friend long before I was born.  My mother and I have been Trekkers before the term was coined. A lot can and will be said about this amazing, intelligent, loving human being.  I like how Ms. Heffernan of the NY Times has written about him.  Her article is…


Spirituality Like Old Jeans

…fabulous for being lived in.  😉 I’m currently reading The Gift of Kabbalah: Discovering the Secrets of Heaven, Renewing Your Life on Earth by Tamar Frankiel and I love how she speaks about this universal truth: All of us have the gifts we need to reflect the image of God, each in our own unique…


The Lost Pieces

A client’s comment reminded me of this recently.  They said their mother had died when they were between 3-4 years old and so they didn’t have that experience of having a mom in their lives.  They had a wicked-stepmonster (my word) who was a defining presence in their life, but not in a good way. …


Emotional Scapegoats

It’s very much true that we should actually listen to our emotions, hear what they have to say, and weigh that wisdom with the other voices going on inside us to find our soul’s path.  Sometimes that means doing what we feel like doing in the moment because that freedom allows us to unfold, sometimes…
