Honoring Warriors

I’ve always had a respect for warriors.  Not necessarily for military branches or governments, missions or political agendas, but for warriors.  Those men and women who choose to fight for what they believe and put their lives on the line to do so.  I think this is in part because of my father, who fought…


The Gift of Letting Go

In modern society death has transitioned from a natural process that happens to everyone and an integrated part of our lives, to something foreign to be fought at all costs and to be pushed aside, marginalized, when it happens.  It’s like an ax that falls and some of us are not fast enough to avoid…


Being Authentic

I’m drawn to people who live authentic lives.  What the normative world calls eccentric people.  Those who choose to do what they want to do and refuse to believe that it’s somehow not ok or not quite right.  I have friends who revel in their Judaism through ceremony and shared ritual but still live a…


Peeling the Onion

When it comes to healing, most of us have been taught that each symptom is like an uninvited guest.  Each has to be shown the door individually in order to get rid of them.  Sometimes there are a couple that arrived together and will leave together, but not often.  So there is a remedy for…


Temple of Life in the Akashics

The Temple can appear as a grand open space full of light or it can appear as an intimate room appointed for personal contemplation and prayer.  In reality it is both and more.  It is a spiritual place for seekers to reconnect with the All That Is.  To do so it is a welcoming place…


The World Through Masks

Our minds are built to make patterns out of chaos.  We’re highly skilled at it and if you don’t believe me, try paying attention when you’re driving in traffic one day.  You’ll be amazed at the amount of pattern making you do in trying to figure out what the next driver is doing and how…


Say It Out Loud

Those in the self-help and psychology professions will tell you that you are more likely to follow through on something if you say your intention out loud or tell it to another person.  And in my experience this is true.  Words have power and communicating your intent forms it in a fashion into a reality…


Pain is motivational

There is so much in our consciousness at this point about medication and medicating.  Arguments and politics about healthcare, mis and dis information about home remedies, traditional medicines, ancient medical practices, pharmaceuticals, trade marks, rights, profits, generics, insurance and just plain common sense which is no longer common. Medicating what is wrong, fixing it, seeing…


Call & Response

Our lives are a conversation between ourselves and everything else.  Between us and the Universe there is this Marco/Polo going on of us saying “I am this” and the Universe responding “Yes you are”.  And it says “I am this”.  And you react to it because ‘yes, it is’….. But what if you change the…


Some Kiss We Want

“Some Kiss We Want”  From Rumi: The Book of Love translated by Coleman Barks There is some kiss we want with our whole lives, the touch of spirit on the body. Seawater begs the pearl to break its shell. And the lily, how passionately it needs some wild darling! At night, I open the window…
