
It doesn’t matter whether you have all the time in the world or none, whether you are running a family, a business, a career, a household, or just yourself, your life is full of the things you choose to do everyday.  BTW, not making a choice is a choice. Just sayin’.  In each day we…


The Effects Are Cumulative

“I’ve never been able to stick to one thing.”  So many people in the spiritual community, or seekers who dabble in the spiritual community, or those who look in the window and think about the spiritual community, like pretty much everyone else in the world, want to belong.  They want a community, a family of…


Adjust As Necessary

Life isn’t a straight line goal.  No matter how committed we are, no matter how much we strive, the nature of life is more Fibonacci than number line, more Hokey Pokey than line dancing. 🙂  Which means that no matter how well you’re doing or how far you’ve gotten, periodically you’ve got to pause, take…


Listen to Your Own Wisdom

I get lots of clients and students coming to me pointing out that they have a disconnect or a problem between what is going on with them physically and the rest of their life.  They are smoking even though they know it’s not good for them and they’ve quit over and over again.  They can’t…


Don’t Just Breath Out, Breath In

People come to me and when I ask them about their background in spirituality or what their practice(s) is or their skills or interest what I sometimes get back is a laundry list of all the classes they’ve taken, the healings they’ve been through, and the people they’ve studied with.  To which I wonder, “Yeah…and?” …


But We’re Friends…

The notion of marriage being about romance, about fulfillment of our emotional needs, having anything to do with a soul connection, that’s an amazingly recent development.  It’s really blossomed in the past 150 years, but prior to that, it was a rare notion that was indulged in poetry and fiction, not because it was common…


Acting Vs. Reacting

Most of us have people in our lives in some capacity who have their own agenda and need to tear us down, minimize us, keep us off-balance, make us feel incompetent or small or worthless.  They keep us reacting to them, to things that they want, perpetually trying to argue with them, make them see…


Create Your Own Life

Take a moment and think about the life you could have if you had the ability to create it.  Would there be travel?  Would it have a different house?  Music?  Would there be dancing? Sports?  How about friends?  Solitude?  Community?  Conversation?  Is there art?  Spa settings?  Parkour?  What do your days look like?  Not what…
