Moving Toward the Light

In all the hullabaloo that is the Christmas season it’s easy to forget the actual season going on.  This is the last week of fall, even if it already feels like winter in many places and spring is just coming on in others.  In the Northern Hemisphere the trees have shed their leaves, the evergreens…


Set The Bar Low

Sometimes we make things waaaaaayyy too hard when they don’t need to be.  We set expectations for ourselves that are out of proportion or get all perfectionist when life is anything but.  So then we have to work twice as hard to get over our fear our anxiety just to do the thing or achieve…


Symbol Factory

Christmas is an amazing time for symbols.  It’s a symbol factory!  Better than dream time because the symbols aren’t something running around in our head at night, but things which everyone can see and interact with.  I’ve thought about creating a called “Claim that Christmas Symbol” but it seems that people are already playing it…


What Christmas to Have

Part of the joy of the Christmas season is deciding what type of Christmas to have.  Are we staying home this year, going to visit relatives we haven’t seen for a while, going to your mom’s or mine or both?  Some people make a circuit because there are multiple family gatherings on both sides and…


Gift Giving Secrets

Don’t give what you want, give what they want.  I know, it seems obvious and really simple, but for some it’s a mystery, which is why Christmas, birthdays, and Valentine’s Day are fraught when it comes to the gifts.  How do people get it so wrong so very often?  Well, a couple of things influence…


Resting and Rejuvenating

We tend to think about resting and rejuvenating as going hand in hand.  Mostly because we think that our lack of juve is from being tired so if we get some rest we’ll rejuvenate.  Not always the case, however.  Tiredness or exhaustion can result from many different things and so the resolution for it is…


Hustle And Bustle

Christmas has turned into a very goal oriented holiday over the years.  Months in advance manufacturers and advertisers and retail stores and all types of businesses associated with the holidays work to be prepared for the season.  Then people start gearing up for the season.  Doing and planning and shopping and parties and maneuvering schedules…


Real and Not Real

People like to point out the harsh realities.  Not because anyone is missing them or misunderstanding them, but because somehow they are more real than less harsh realities and therefore have more weight and need more recognition.  Now anyone who knows me will point out that I’m no Pollyanna.  I’ve never met a harsh reality…


Nelson Mandela

People will say things better than I ever could about the man and about his mythology.  What I can do is point you in their direction. The world is putting aside all the squabbling and the finger pointing for one day. Time Line of his Life and Achievements Best Quotes
